New Inventory Alert! We Have a Stage!!!!

We are now offering staging! For both rental and resale! (Resale has a bit of a lead time at this time; we will be selling to end users as well as offering special pricing to event companies who offer staging)

Its a much better product than the 4x4, steel, painted plywood top stuff typically seen in these parts.

As this is our preliminary stage stock, we are currently limited to a maximum 28'×16' (single) unit (yes, it can be split into multiple smaller units) with 2 sets of stairs. This system is adjustable from 24-34" tall and doesn't require blocks of wood to make level.

What we have is prettier, and stronger, with a faster up and down time than other portable stages in this market.

You can access this my checking out our rental products under the service tab!

Tybee Okays Funds to Help Stock Theatre

The Tybee Island City Council on Thursday agreed to buy $110,000 worth of equipment for the newly reopened Tybee Post Theater. Council members awarded the $72,000 contract for audio/visual equipment, lighting and sound-absorbing wall panels to the sole bidder, Savannah-based Michael Gaster & Associates.

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